We are here to answer all of your questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is timber procurement?

Timber procurement describes the method in which buyers obtain forest products. Some buyers purchase or “procure” for one mill, while others sell to various mills.

“Wood dealers” supply wood to companies producing wood products on a yearly basis.  These dealers work with logging contractors to harvest timber that is bought from landowners.

Ask the company looking to buy your timber how they fit within the timber industry. Do they have relationships with mill and sell directly to them? If not, who will the mill be paying. Who is responsible for paying you? Cross Creek Timber will answer any questions you have about the timber procurement system we operate within.

Q: Who can purchase forest products from a landowner in South Carolina?

Anyone. However, only a registered forester or a person working under the direct supervision of a registered forester can make forest management recommendations.

There are buyers working this area claiming to be large mega-state timber corporations. These individuals are not licensed to practice forestry and landowners should proceed with caution when approached by these buyers.

Q: What are Best Management Practices (BMP’s)?

Best Management Practices are harvesting standards recommended by the South Carolina Forestry Commission. BMP’s primarily deal with soil erosion and water quality.

Be sure to work only with timber or forestry professionals certified by the South Carolina Forestry Commission.  They will be good stewards during forestry activities, protecting the water quality of nearby streams, lakes, or ponds, and considering the habitat of local wildlife.

Q: What does TOP certified mean?

Timber Operations Professional. To be TOP certified, loggers and foresters are required to participate in yearly continuing education courses.  Cross Creek Timber, LLC uses only TOP trained logging contractors and our foresters are TOP certified.

Q: Why does Insurance matter?

Please verify that anyone working on your property is covered with both workers compensation and general liability insurance.  This protects you as the landowner if an accident happens.